What’s your name?
How many children do you have?
One. As planned by my husband and I.
When did you first become a mother?
What is one of the most rewarding aspects of motherhood to you?
Seeing your child happy and succeeding at life.
What is your preferred method of cannabis consumption?
Old school – Ground dried flower spun in paper.
Why do you consume cannabis?
To relax & unwind. To make the mundane less lame.
Has cannabis consumption affected you’re your parenting style?
Not really.
If yes, in what way?
If anything, it provides me with more patience, energy, compassion, and creativity.
Roughly how long would you say you’ve been consuming cannabis?
Since the early 1990’s.
Roughly how often would you say you consume in a week?
How has being a mother affected your cannabis consumption?
I didn’t consume throughout my pregnancy or the early years of our child’s life. I’m certainly more conscience about strains, THC levels, terpene profile, etc. then I was prior to being a mom.
Has being a mother affected your cannabis consumption method?
No. I do certainly consume less than I did prior to being a mom.
Have you had to talk to your children yet about cannabis?
If yes, what approach have you taken to teach them about cannabis?
Cannabis is legal recreationally and is prescribed medically to many people. Cannabis comes from a plant. It can be super beneficial to some and historically has never killed anyone.
How do you keep your cannabis out of reach or inaccessible to your children?
Our cannabis is kept in a stash box that is always locked with a combination coded padlock out of reach.
What does being a CannaMom mean to you?
Being a mom that supports cannabis use for medicinal and/or recreational purposes whilst trying to break the stigmas and aged mentality that exists around it. “Mommy needs a joint should be just as socially acceptable as mommy needs a glass of wine” – I couldn’t agree more.
What advice would you give to a new CannaMom, starting her journey?
Do what works for you. Ignore the nay-sayers, stigmatized, and/or discriminating opinions. People who don’t know…..simply don’t know. Cannabis is different for every single individual. A strain for one may not work for another. Find what works best for you and your needs. There’s zero shame in taking care of yourself or unwinding. Moms deserve it.