Cannabis Legends: Dana Larsen

To kick the week off on Maricann’s Cannabis Legends, we spotlight yet another famous Canadian Cannabis advocate. We’ve got one more left in the series so check back tomorrow for our final Cannabis Legends post. Introducing Dana Larsen. Dana Larsen is best known for his work on cannabis reform and to put an end to…

Cannabis Legends: Michelle Rainey

Now we’d like to shift the focus to Canadian’s in Maricann’s Cannabis Legend series. Today we’re putting the spotlight on a Canadian icon and one of the first Canadians to receive a medical cannabis license in the country. Introducing Michelle Rainey. Michelle is one of Canada’s most recognizable cannabis crusaders. She helped establish the B.C…

Cannabis Legends: Jack Herer

Historically, Cannabis has had an insurmountable number of struggles; it’s taken a great deal of effort from those who truly believe in the benefits of cannabis to make our beloved industry possible. At Maricann, we wanted to pay tribute to those who have relentlessly advocated for the cannabis industry and ultimately made it possible to…