What’s your name?
How many children do you have?
When did you first become a mother?
What is one of the most rewarding aspects of motherhood to you?
Getting to watch my children grow and learn while being happy and silly.
What is your preferred method of cannabis consumption?
I enjoy smoking cannabis in all forms, but my preferred method is hits from the bong.
Why do you consume cannabis?
Cannabis is very helpful for me when it comes to my mental health. If I am feeling overwhelmed or am having a rough day, it helps me to relax and stay calm.
Has cannabis consumption affected you’re parenting style?
Being a parent is hard work and is about putting your children before yourself. Using Cannabis allows me to let loose at the end of the day and unwind from any of the stressors I may have faced.
If yes, in what way?
Cannabis allows me to have better patience and helps me to have a positive demeanor when facing challenges with my children.
Roughly how long would you say you’ve been consuming cannabis?
17 years.
Roughly how often would you say you consume in a week?
How has being a mother affected your cannabis consumption?
I only smoke when I am not in the presence of my children.
Has being a mother affected your cannabis consumption method?
No, I still consume Cannabis the same way as I always did.
Have you had to talk to your children yet about cannabis?
If yes, what approach have you taken to teach them about cannabis?
I have had conversations with my children regarding Cannabis as I have explained to them that Cannabis is a form of medicine.
How do you keep your cannabis out of reach or inaccessible to your children?
My Cannabis is stored in an area that is out of reach and out of sight to my children. They do not even know what it looks like.
What does being a CannaMom mean to you?
Being a CannaMom is about breaking the stigma regarding moms who consume Cannabis. Cannabis makes me feel as though I can be a mother and still be able to let loose and be myself. I advocate for all people who use Cannabis because the plant can be so healing and has helped me medically using oil, edibles, thc salve and dried flower.
What advice would you give to a new CannaMom, starting her journey?
Don’t worry about how others may judge you for your choice to consume. Cannabis is legal and can help you in many ways physically and mentally.